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A Brief Look at Honey’s Role in Cultures Around the World

Although you may think honey is just a simple sweetener for your coffee or tea, you should know that it plays a significant role in various cultures across the globe. Because of its delicious flavor, medicinal properties, and practically endless shelf life, honey has played a huge role in various ancient civilizations and modern societies. Explore a brief look at honey’s role in cultures around the world.

Christian Culture

Interestingly, there are various mentions of honey in the Bible. Because honey harbors various health benefits, there are several mentions of its healing powers in the Bible. Additionally, some people interpret bees to be a symbol of Jesus, as the sting conveys justice and the honey depicts Christ’s sweet and gentle nature.

Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine favors traditional, natural methods of healing, which often involve honey. In the early dynasties, honey and bee larvae were luxury items for royal families. However, honey eventually became a popular gift in Chinese culture. Many Chinese physicians recommend taking honey daily to maintain overall internal and external health and vitality. Honey remains a useful tool in modern Chinese medicine to this day.

Ancient Egypt

Believe it or not, ancient Egyptians used honey as a part of the mummification process of their dead. Archeologists have found honeycomb and raw honey in various Egyptian tombs, proving that it was an important part of their culture. Additionally, they used it as an offering to their gods, and it was also a common substance for Egyptian medicine.


Honey is also an important part of Buddhist scripture and traditions. Interestingly, the Honey Full Moon Festival links to honey through an ancient legend. In this tale, a monkey gifts honeycomb to the Buddha in the forest and then falls to his death because he is excited. However, the monkey is reborn because of his generosity. Today, Buddhists gift honey to monasteries in observance of the holiday.

Hopefully, this brief look at honey’s role in cultures around the world helps you understand why honey is so important to people across the globe. If you’re looking for wholesale honey to gift your friends and family, Crystal’s Honey has what you need. Shop our wide selection of bee products to find the perfect gift for anyone in your life.

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