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Exploring Different Comb Honey Harvesting Techniques

Many treasure comb honey for its natural flavors and untouched, golden beauty. It is a prize for beekeepers and honey lovers alike. Harvesting comb honey is an exciting and daunting task for beekeepers of all skill levels. Exploring different comb honey harvesting techniques is key to ensuring you get the best out of your hives without unnecessary hassle or waste, whether you’re a seasoned beekeeper or just starting out.

What Is Comb Honey?  

Comb honey is precisely what it sounds like—honey encased in its original wax comb, untouched and unfiltered. Harvesting comb honey requires extra care and specific techniques to preserve its pristine form. Gone are the days of clumsy trial and error; just follow this helpful guide to learn how to do it right!

Traditional Cut-Comb Method  

The cut-comb method is one of the most straightforward techniques that require a sharp comb cutter or knife, a fine-toothed frame for the bees to build within, and steady hands. Wait until your bees have filled the comb and capped it with fresh wax to harvest at the best time. Then, gently remove the frames from the hive and slice the honeycomb into rectangular blocks.

If you plan to sell your comb honey locally or package it in small batches, the cut-comb method is for you. Use a special knife warmed under water for smooth, clean cuts to reduce wax crumbles.

Ross Rounds System  

Opt for the Ross Rounds system if you want to prioritize convenience. This pre-designed setup equips your bees with circular comb templates that guide them to create perfectly round pieces of honeycomb.  

Simply remove the rounds and trim any excess wax when harvest time comes to ensure they’re ready for sale or personal use. Since this method is nearly foolproof, the Ross Rounds system is ideal for beekeepers interested in offering their customers aesthetically pleasing, uniform honey products.  

The Hogg Halfcomb System  

Looking for innovation? The Hogg Halfcomb system simplifies the process with pre-designed plastic cassettes that serve as frames. Bees build their comb directly into these containers, eliminating the need for cutting or packaging. Simply snap the cassettes shut after harvest, and they’re good to go!  

Though this system is easy to use, it requires an upfront financial investment. Yet, the convenience and professional presentation can quickly give you a great return on your investment for your small business.  

Which Method Is Best for You?  

Deciding which harvesting technique to use depends on your goals. Do you want to produce comb honey for resale? Do you want to minimize handling and keep things neat? Think about your preferences and your customers’ expectations.

Crystal’s Honey offers expertly harvested natural honeycomb for sale on their website if you want comb honey without the hassle of harvesting. Explore their collections to find high-quality comb honey without breaking a sweat.

You can settle on the ideal method for your apiary setup by exploring different comb honey harvesting techniques. Understanding these harvesting techniques will help you create nature’s perfect masterpiece, whether you prefer the rustic hands-on feel of the cut-comb method or the sleek efficiency of Ross Rounds.

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Comb honey and pollen back in stock!

We have Local Massachusetts bee pollen and Comb honey available in 2x4 squares and Ross Rounds will be coming soon! Subscribe for our news letter and we will keep you up to date on inventory and seasonal products.

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