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How To Create an Environment for Honeybees To Thrive

As spring returns, you’ll notice some visitors on your property: honeybees. They’ve been inside the hive all winter, but now they’re ready to start their productive season. Honeybees help make our world go round, and it’s our job to protect them. To make a big impact with small changes, learn how to create an environment for honeybees to thrive.

Build a Bee Pond

You’re probably familiar with a birdbath—a bee pond is relatively similar. While bees can’t immerse themselves in water, they need a consistent water source to dilute honey and keep the hive cool in the summer heat.

Grab any container, fill the bottom with stones, and add water to the halfway point of the rocks. This way, the bees can land on the rocks without getting wet, but still have access to water. Don’t worry about cleaning or refilling it. Rain will replenish it, and bees love murky water.

Plant a Variety of Plants and Flowers

Although everyone can’t have a beehive on their property, almost everyone can plant various plants and flowers for bees to feed on. Bees will travel up to three miles to collect nectar and pollen, so your flourishing garden will guarantee local bee colonies have a food source.

Look Out for Swarms

A giant whirlwind of bees buzzing around without a hive might be alarming, but know they’re trying to increase their population. When a beehive is overpopulated, the bees split into two groups and create new colonies by finding different places to live. While scout bees go looking for prime real estate, the rest hang back to protect the queen.

When you see a large group of bees buzzing around your property, don’t swat or chase them off. They’re minding their own business and simply waiting to relocate. Contact a local beekeeper to safely relocate the swarm they’re occupying an inconvenient space.

Become a Beekeeper

There’s no better way to understand how to create an environment for honeybees to thrive than to become a beekeeper yourself. Bees are low-maintenance insects and go about their business in peace; moreover, you only need to check on the hive every few weeks. In exchange for a place to live, bees will provide you with loads of honey and natural bee pollen.

Honeybees pollinate thousands of crops and flowers each year, which benefits all life. Since bees help us, we should do everything we can to provide a happy and resourceful environment to aid bee productivity.

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