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10lb Raw Honey pail

Product image 110lb Raw Honey pail
Product image 210lb Raw Honey pail

Regular price $65.00 Sale price $65.00



This Bulk Raw Honey pail is the perfect size for making mead or home projects using honey.  Maybe you just love bulk raw honey and are looking for a great deal without taking up too much space.  Either way, you will love this pail and the honey in it.  It is available in all the same types of honey you can get in our jars.  Yes, this pail of bulk raw honey for sale has Free Shipping anywhere in the contiguous United States!

Our RAW honey is unfiltered and unheated.  Usually when you receive the honey it is fully granulated like the picture shown of the creamy honey.  However if we have just harvested the honey it will be Liquid when it arrives.  Store it in a cool location to accelerate the granulation process.

We now offer a Liquid option for customers wanting liquid honey. Please note the bulk raw honey for sale is heated to 115 degrees to get it to liquify.  We do not consider this to be raw honey, however we are willing to offer this to customers.  This may also delay shipping as it can take up to two days to liquify a pail.



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Comb honey and pollen back in stock!

We have Local Massachusetts bee pollen and Comb honey available in 2x4 squares and Ross Rounds will be coming soon! Subscribe for our news letter and we will keep you up to date on inventory and seasonal products.

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