For centuries, people have found honey delicious—especially raw honey because of all its unfiltered natural flavors. There are many ways to enjoy raw honey in your diet today, including on your toast, on a dessert, in your hot tea, and even in your dinner entrees. While it is commonly produced for consumption, there are actually many other possible uses for raw honey. Because it carries many medicinal properties, raw honey can be used in other ways to benefit your health. The truth is, raw honey can be used as a food ingredient, health aid, and now even as a beauty essential. It turns out, there are many new cosmetic products that are made from raw honey or use it as a key ingredient. In short, you can make use of honey in your daily life in countless ways. Learn the possibilities here, as we look at the many ways you can use raw honey.
Healthy Sweetener Alternative
Raw honey is an exceptional alternative to processed sugars and artificial sweeteners. Raw honey is completely unprocessed, unlike regular honey. This allows the honey to retain all its nutrients, which include antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Regular sugar contains none of these nutrients. Because of its completely unfiltered and unpasteurized state, raw honey features a unique natural sweetness. With its sweet flavor, raw honey can be used in many dishes, including smoothies, baked goods, sauces, marinades, and even salad dressings.
It Can Be Used for Drinks
Not only does raw honey go well with many foods, but it can also be used as a key ingredient for many beverages. Smoothies—particularly vegetable-based ones—enjoy a jolt of honey’s sweetness, and no juicer recipe is complete without a spoonful or two. Honey has been a mainstay in hot tea for centuries, and some people today even like it in their coffee.
It Can Help Heal Wounds
Among its various medicinal abilities, raw honey boasts antibacterial and antifungal properties. Raw honey has been shown to contain an enzyme that generates hydrogen peroxide. This is an incredibly beneficial component, as antiseptics are most effective against bacteria and fungus. Not only are these qualities good for fighting off infections, but they can also work as preventatives. In turn, this can help to reduce inflammation in different parts of the body. Studies have shown that the use of raw honey has helped to reduce swelling in joints and swelling that results from wounds. It can also help to heal wounds experienced by people who suffer from diabetes, which can otherwise be very difficult to treat.
It Can Help Treat Skin Conditions
Many of the same healing properties mentioned above make it possible for raw honey to treat various skin conditions. Consider this if you suffer from conditions such as psoriasis, acne, rosacea, eczema, and even bug bites. If you have a child suffering from consistent rashes from diapers, add some raw honey to some diaper cream. This will act as an anti-inflammatory, significantly reducing the irritation. There are other options for using honey to create different home remedies for skin care. You can test them simply by adding some of the honey to products like coconut or almond oil. Rub these combinations on the irritated area for a few minutes, then make sure to rinse with some warm water afterward.
It Relieves Coughs, Soothes Sore Throats, and Fights Against Viruses
Of the many ways you can use raw honey, this is one that everyone should be sure to know. When you are experiencing a sore throat, immediately consuming some raw honey can soothe it. Not only is this a good option for a sore throat, but it’s also beneficial if you are experiencing a cough. Studies have actually shown that raw honey can perform better than the ingredients found in typical over-the-counter cough remedies sold at the pharmacy. Remember this the next time you are going to spend the money on cough syrup and buy raw honey instead. Unlike over-the-counter medicine, raw honey is completely safe for continuous use. It also should be noted, honey is terrific at helping your immune system beat a cold virus. Putting some raw honey in a cup of hot tea along with lemon can do wonders when you are feeling unwell.
It Can Be Used to Prevent and Relieve Stomach Pain
While raw honey can fight viruses, inflammation, and heal wounds, it can also be used to get rid of a bad stomachache. Within our stomachs are sensitive tissues, and raw honey can help to coat and protect them. In many instances, using honey relieves pain and irritation in your stomach brought on from using NSAID painkillers. Many of these, like aspirin and ibuprofen, can cause more irritation to the stomach by producing gastric lesions. If you are experiencing this or are concerned about it, swallow a spoonful of honey with the pills. Raw honey can help reduce these kinds of stomach issues, but even more exciting, studies have shown that it may help your intestinal flora. Honey’s properties nourish the beneficial gut bacteria and starve out the bad ones. Because of these abilities, raw honey can reduce gastrointestinal tract issues.
It Can Be Used in Cosmetics
Raw honey has another significant use as a key ingredient in various beauty treatments. To start, honey can be used as a hair conditioner. You can do this by adding a teaspoon or so to an equal amount of olive oil, which you should then warm up. Apply it to your hair and wrap it in a towel to soak in for fifteen minutes. This creates a wonderful natural-smelling hair mask, which then rinses out easily. Raw honey can also be mixed with lemon juice to create a natural solution for hair removal. When the two are mixed together, they create a wax that can be applied to any area where there is unwanted hair, which will help to lift it from the root. Raw honey can help your skin through a method that has been used through centuries. It can help remove flaking dead skin, which will give your healthy skin a natural, moisturized rejuvenation. This is done through a bath that calls for 2 cups of milk and a half cup of honey. Add this to a hot bath, and your skin will have the perfect cleanse. If you have an interest in raw honey, Crystal’s Honey has a selection of raw honey products you’re sure to love. Browse our selection today!