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Why You Should Purchase Raw Honey From a Local Farm

Do you want to know what’s better than store-bought products? Buying straight from the source! Learn why you need to purchase raw honey from a farm.

Raw Honeycomb vs. Liquid Honey: What’s the Difference?

One challenge you may encounter is learning the difference between raw honeycomb and liquid honey. Before buying either, know the variations first.

4 Honey-Based Recipes That Will Make You Buzz

Honey is the best ingredient to include in a recipe. Feel yourself abuzz with joy and delight by trying out one of these delicious honey-based recipes today.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Types of Honeycomb

Honeycomb is a popular bee product that adds a touch of sweetness to life. Learn about the various kinds of honeycombs with this tasty guide worth buzzing for.

5 Ways To Use Beeswax That Go Beyond Candle Making

Beeswax is one of the most natural things to use in arts and crafts. Don’t go for the usual candle-making tutorials; try these creative ideas instead.

How Bee Pollen Works as a Natural Energy-Booster

A natural energy boost is all you need to get through the day. Skip the usual coffee run, take a break from tea, and try bee pollen instead.

Why Beeswax Wraps Are a Better Alternative to Plastic Wraps

Food preservation methods continue to evolve, with many switching to eco-friendly storage. Learn why you need to replace plastic wrap with beeswax wrap.

5 of the Best Honey and Tea Combinations

Honey and tea make the sweetest pairing. After you try one of these tea and honey combinations, you won’t want to switch back to your old go-to drink.

Certifications You Should Look For When Buying Honey in Bulk

One of the things to look for when you’re buying honey in bulk is certifications. Accreditations guarantee the bulk honey is unadulterated and pure.

Does Honey Go Bad? You Might Be Surprised by the Answer

Is honey immortal? Unveil the answer here by reading about some of the myths surrounding honey expiration dates. The answer might surprise you!

7 Cool Things To Do With Your Stored Honeycomb

Honeycomb is a versatile product. You can use it for cosmetics or baking. Get creative and discover the cool things you can do with your stored honeycomb.

What Is a Honey Dipper and How Do You Use Them?

Honey is perfect for any meal or drink, but it can get you into some sticky situations if not taken from the jar properly. Consider getting a honey dipper.
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Comb honey and pollen back in stock!

We have Local Massachusetts bee pollen and Comb honey available in 2x4 squares and Ross Rounds will be coming soon! Subscribe for our news letter and we will keep you up to date on inventory and seasonal products.

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