What To Know When You Render Beeswax at Home
As a beekeeper, you should be familiar with rendering beeswax at home before attempting it. Here is what you need to know about rendering beeswax at home.
How Bee Pollen Can Help With Seasonal Allergies
It's allergy season, and besides stocking up on tissues and medications, we need to talk about bee pollen. Here is how it can help with seasonal allergies.
How Are Honeycombs Made and What Are They?
Bees are incredibly creative insects, so much so that they create incredible hexagonal cells called honeycombs. Here is how they’re made and what they are.
The Best Way To Store Your Beeswax To Keep It Fresh
It’s essential to store all food items properly, especially ones created by nature. Here are the best storage methods for keeping beeswax fresh.
5 Spooky and Fun Raw Honey Recipes for Halloween
Upon thine tastebuds is the delightful taste of honey. Tap the screen to discover spine-tingling, fun, raw honey recipes for tasty Halloween treats.
How To Encourage Children To Love Raw Honey
Picky eating is something many children experience. You can change their minds with enough encouragement and taste tests—especially with the help of raw honey.
Tips and Tricks on How To Buy High-Quality Honey
Anyone who loves honey knows that it’s essential to buy high quality. Here is a blog with tips and tricks on finding high-quality honey near you.
Interesting Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Honeycomb
Honey is nature’s way of giving us a sweet embrace, and the honeycomb safeguards this sweet nectar. Here are some fun facts about comb honey.
How Different Types of Pollen Affect Honey Flavor
Everyone has honey in their cabinets, but did you know pollen affects its flavor profile? Here’s how different pollen types change the taste of honey.
What Is Royal Jelly and Why Is It Important?
Like honey, royal jelly is a delicious substance made from the hives of worker honeybees. Feel as regal as the queen bee and learn why this jelly’s essential.
Why Is Raw Honey Better for You Than Sugar?
It’s no secret that sweeteners are abundant at your local grocery store, but which should you use? Explore whether raw honey or sugar is better for you.
What Is a Pollinator Garden and Why Should You Have One?
Gardening is a great hobby for many, but there are different methods to consider. Explore what a pollinator garden is and why you should have one in your yard.