With the harsh weather of winter approaching, it will be important to take care of your lips, as the season can make them dry and cracked. Now is a great time to make some of your own homemade lip balm if you haven’t considered doing so already. Learn what you need to make lip balm by reading below.
Beeswax is a natural product that’s used in many consumer products, including lip balm, lip gloss, hand creams, salves, and moisturizers. It plays a significant role in a natural homemade lip balm recipe. Natural beeswax generally comes in a solid block form. To create lip balm, you can grade the beeswax down into a measuring cup. An average amount is about four tablespoons. The beeswax will serve as the main part of the base for the lip balm.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is another major ingredient for homemade lip balm. This product contains fatty acids with nourishing properties that hydrate and protect your skin. Coconut oil is another significant part of the base for lip balm because of its hydrating properties. You should scoop about four tablespoons into the measuring pitcher with the beeswax. Microwave them together for about one minute until you are able to mix them together.
While lipstick is its own product, it can be useful for making homemade lip balm. Generally, lip balms come in varying colors. If you want to add a bit of color to your lips when you apply the lip balm, it is helpful to mix a small amount of lipstick into your recipe. Choose a lipstick that’s old or that you don’t wear anymore. Add the lipstick to the coconut oil and beeswax mixture right after it comes out of the microwave. You only want to put a little bit into the mixture to give it a slight tint.
Vitamin E and Peppermint Oil
Adding some supplemental vitamin E will add to your lip balm’s rejuvenating effects. Vitamin E is a natural preservative and moisturizer. This will help keep your lips from drying out and cracking. Add the vitamin E into the mix after you’ve added the lipstick. Then, add a few drops of peppermint oil. Not only will this provide the balm with an appealing smell, but it can also be very soothing for irritated lips. You can place the mixture back into the microwave for another ten seconds to ensure everything has melted together correctly.
Lip Balm Containers
For the final item of what you need to make lip balm, you’ll want to get some plastic lip balm containers. You can choose to use old lip balm containers that you’ve emptied, or you can purchase some little pots from a craft store. Fill these individually and let them cool somewhere safe. One of the best options for cooling is to put the containers in the refrigerator.
To make the perfect lip balm, you should use raw beeswax. Crystal’s Honey offers the highest quality filtered raw beeswax at great deals and in varying amounts.