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How Long Should You Leave Honey on Your Face?

Honey is a popular substance for your kitchen, but it may earn a spot in your beauty routine. Explore how long to leave raw honey on your face.

How To Properly Maintain a Healthy Beehive

Beekeeping is one of the best hobbies for those who like to spend time outdoors and help the environment. Consider how to maintain a healthy hive.

5 Delicious Foods That Pair Well With Bee Pollen

Most bee products are great supplements for the human diet. Explore a few of the most delicious foods that pair perfectly with raw bee pollen.

3 Ways Honey Has Impacted the Cosmetics Industry

Skincare and makeup products are essential for many people, and they pay attention to ingredients. Learn about how honey impacts the cosmetics industry.

How To Tell the Difference Between Raw Honey and Fake Honey

Honey is one of the sweetest substances in the world, but they aren’t all equal. Discover how to tell the difference between raw and fake honey.

4 Reasons Why Honeycomb Is Good for Kids

Part of being a parent is finding things that benefit your children. Consider the reasons honeycomb might be a good addition to your kids’ diets.

4 Helpful Tips for Safely Melting Beeswax

Beeswax is an incredibly versatile substance from the hive, but it’s not always easy to work with. Follow these safety tips for melting beeswax at home.

Interesting Things Pollen Can Teach Us About Our World

Nature is a beautiful thing, but many don’t know much about its wonders. Discover a few interesting things pollen teaches us about our world.

How To Cut Blocks of Comb Honey Properly

Honey is one of the best substances on the planet, and bees store it in combs after they make it. Discover how to cut blocks of comb honey properly.

What’s the Difference Between Beeswax and Honey?

Bees produce a few different substances in their hives, and confusing them is relatively easy. Consider the differences between beeswax and raw honey.

Why Honey Is a Must in Your Skincare Routine

Honey is an incredible substance, and it may be the answer to your skin concerns. Discover why honey is a must in your daily skincare routine.

6 Questions To Ask When Buying Wholesale Honey

Honey is one of the best items to have in your pantry, as you can use it for many different purposes. Discover some questions to ask when buying bulk honey.
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Comb honey and pollen back in stock!

We have Local Massachusetts bee pollen and Comb honey available in 2x4 squares and Ross Rounds will be coming soon! Subscribe for our news letter and we will keep you up to date on inventory and seasonal products.

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